Emily Lloyd-Evans
Hey all,
I found the field of Anthropology through my research into Postgraduate courses, I was so undecided on what I wanted to do and there are so many fields that interest me. Anthropology kept popping up in my searches and now I am at Goldsmiths College absolutely loving my Masters in Social Anthropology.
As soon as I began my Postgraduate studies, I realised how many different branches there were to this discipline, a field where there is a research branch for everyone. I have spoken to many peers who have been on the same modules/course as me and yet their approaches are either slightly different or entirely different and that to me is what is so powerful about Anthropology. I think for me the number of differing perspectives that are offered constantly keeps conversations alive and thriving. There is always something new to look into, there is always something new talk about and there is always something new to show someone. I am constantly talking about everything I have learnt to my family and friends. Anthropology is a discipline that, once you find it, you see the world through a new lens.
I found this TikTok project through recommendation of my personal tutor. We were discussing what I wanted to do for my Dissertation, I said that I had recently discovered a niche on TikTok called WitchTok and was greatly interested in the young men and women who used this section of TikTok. I have now developed my Postgraduate Dissertation around WitchTok and the ideas of belonging of identity.
Once I heard of the TikTok project I emailed Elena and Yathu immediately to find out more information about their new project. I have been a part of the project since, I have shared my findings and research about WitchTok with the group and listened to everyone else’s areas of research, it is such a vast area of conversation that many may simply look past. Anthropology cannot look past such an interesting tool! We look forward to sharing more of our work with you!